Smart Contract Audit Course from Extropy

Become an Auditing Ninja with our online course

You will learn solidity smart contract security, auditing and testing

You will practice your skills in workshops with other solidity developers.

The next course will take place online, over the weekend of June 15 / 16 2024

Ninja Image

What You Will Learn

Day One - Session 1

Audit examples

Common DeFi Vulnerabilities

Day One - Session 2

Preparing for audit competiions

Static Analysis Tools

Day Two - Session 1

Fuzz Testing / Advanced Testing

Formal Verification

Day Two - Session 2

How To Write Security Reports

How to Build POCs

The course will run on the weekend of the 15 / 16th June 2024.

Each day will start at 13:00 UTC and finish at 17:00 UTC

Early Bird Tickets are available for just $99.